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Digital Smile Design Powerpoint Template

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Digital Template

Transcript: STRATEGY MARKETING Company Date DIGITAL STRATIGY SUMMERY "Customers have too many choices these days and they have to be constantly reminded that you exist. The best way to reach them is where they spend a good bit of time ... which is online." SUMMARY SWOT Analysis STRENGTHS Targeting WEAKNESSES OPPORTUNITIES THREATS WHY EFFECTIVENESS THE TIMELINE TIME SPENT Numbers don't lie... MOBILE SEARCH How effective are Mobile Searches? 70% of mobile searches lead to action within 1 hour. DIGITAL THE PLAN AUDIENCE EXTENSION AUDIENCE EXTENSION Starting the Search SITE RETARGETING SITE RETARGETING Once users have visited your website, they will be followed with your ads where ever they go online- reminding them to come back and take action. CONTEXTUAL TARGETING When your potential customers are researching topics relevant to your business, we will show your ads based on the terms in that content. CONTEXTUAL TARGETING These ads will follow your customers onto other sites. MOBLIE & APP MOBLIE & APP Serves ads to mobile device browsers and also serve ads while potential clients are in apps. With this product you pick a region of how far you want to reach and it will appear on anyone’s phone in the region you chose. AUDIENCE TARGETING AUDIENCE TARGETING Your ads are shown online in your target geographic area based on the behavior of internet users. Users can be targeted based on many different characteristics such as age, interest, purchase history and online behavior. HYPER LOCAL MOBILE HYPERLOCAL MOBILE Hyperlocal Mobile also known as "Geo-Fencing" allows us to show your mobile ads to customers in very pin pointed areas using specific longitudes and latitudes. Example: If you target the BYU-I campus, your ad will be seen by people there who are on their mobile devices. PRICING FOCUS AREA 3 THE PROBLEM THE PROBLEM 75 % 35 % 10 % THE PLAN THE PLAN THE TIMELINE THE TIMELINE 2017 2008 2013 2005 2010

Digital Smile Design

Transcript: Dr. Sohaib Q. Khalil DDS in Dentistry, MSc in Prosthodontics Digital Smile Design Digital Planning To Clinical Reality Importance Introduction Introduce your treatment plane and previous work to your patient gaining his trust in a beautiful way. Good communication with your lab that helps a lot to improve your work (Visual communication). The concepts of esthetics and beauty are so intimately related and vary within and between different cultures and ethnic and age groups - Individual preferences - Personal style - Experiences Concepts of Esthetics What can we do to increase the case acceptance? 1. Photos Album. 2. DSD - Mock up - Trial Restoration.......Pt live with smile What can we do to increase the case acceptance? Past We should not focus our evaluation only on the teeth and the treatment plan should not be based on the dentitionز A smile is not only made up of teeth, but rather consists of several elements. Facial esthetics o Evaluate facial height (upper and lower). o Facial midline (90% of the cases the facial midline is coincident with the dental midline, andshiftup to 2mm it is accepted). o Lips. o Width of the smile. Gingival esthetics o Gingival zenith. o Gingival line. o Emergency profile. o Gingival biotype. o Amount of gingival display. Macro esthetics Micro esthetics o Surface characterizations. o Surface glaze. o Labial anatomy. o Tooth colour. o Tooth shape. oDental midline. oTeeth length. oSmile arc. oTooth dimensions. oBuccal corridors. oEsthetic proportions (Golden proportions). but that proportions make unrealistic results as there is no fixed proportions can be done on all people so here come the REDproportions What is digital smile design? What?! Digital Smile Design is a process that uses computer-aided design to create custom-made veneers, custom crowns, and other dental implants. The advantage of this approach is that it allows the dentist to see how the final results will look before any treatment is actually performed Clinicians can have many points to help to solve esthetic issue Mock-up based on digital smile design (DSD) measurements. (A) Diagnostic wax-up using the DSD as a guide. (B) Silicone index for the construction of the mock-up. (C) Removal of excess bis-acrylic resin from the silicone index. (D) Mock-up enabling clinical visualization of the maxillary (from premolar to premolar) and mandibular (from canine to canine) teeth in the frontal view of the patient's smile. DSD Virtual treatment planning with digital smile design (DSD). (A) Full-face photograph with horizontal (bipupillary and intercommissural lines) and vertical (facial midline) reference lines. (B) The design of the dental profile is guided by the facial lines (facial midline and lower lips) and by the relationship of the rectangles. (C) Design showing the proposed changes to the length of tooth no. 12 (lengthen 2.0 mm), no. 21 and no. 22 (lengthen 1.3 mm), and to the width of the central incisors (8.5 mm). (D) Simulation of the smile using Adobe Photoshop software Facial Parameteres Facial Parameters Horizontal Line Reference points: - Interpupillary line - Commissural line Importance Importance? If we notice a cant of the midline (midline is not perpendicular on the H line), we must make sure that the problem is not dental, as the problem may be due to the tilt of the patient's image. We confirm this by drawing the horizontal line and find that it is not compatible with the line passing between the pupils of the eyes Facial assymmetry If there is a defect in one of the horizontal reference lines, we choose the correct one: - Interpupillary line - Commissural line Mid-Line Reference points: - Glabella - Philtrum - Mentum Mid-Line Which one is more or less acceptable? Canted mid-line Canting Any tilt in the midline, even if it is half a degree, is noticeable and unacceptable E-Ricket E-line: One useful element in determining the profile type is an evaluation of the position of the lips with reference to an ideal line that joins the tip of the nose to the tip of the chin. According to rickets in a normal profile the upper lip is about 4 mm posterior to the E-line, while the lower lip is about 2 mm posterior. Dento-Facial Parameters Smile curve In an ideal tooth arrangement, that line should coincide or follow the curvature of the lower lip while smiling. Incisal edge of upper maxillary teeth comes very close to and almost touches upper border of the lower lip. The lower lip, being no more than 2 mm away. How do lips affect smile design? The lip area is critical. Importance Importance? - Anterior aspect of curve determines incisal edge position. - Posterior aspect determines amount of buccal corridor. Reference: - In max smile: the teeth must fill 60 -80% from space between inferior border of upper lip and superior border of lower lip. - Buccal corridor: distance between inner check to buccal surface of last tooth in smile from 2-4 mm. It shouldn’t be eliminated because the negative space imparts a suggestion

Digital template

Transcript: Open: adoption of original digital date by other CAD software and CAM devices Working principle Light source The necessity of powder coat spraying Operative process Output file format Company: Sirona Working principle: Active triangulation and optical microscopy Light source: visible blue light Imaging type: multiple images Necessity of coating In office milling Output format: proprietary closed Intraoral Digital Systems E4D CEREC Trios planscan Lava C.O.S iTero E4D True definition scanner cs3500 Impression Optical technology Single image camera CEREC Omnicam Preparation Hard to get to the undercuts with this technology DIGITAL IMPRESSION Planmeca Plan Scan Intra-oral Scanner Trios Widen the offering for your customers Produce in the material the dentist wants Open your options – internal or external manufacturing Open data* Dentists face problem in daily life Messy materials Tedious and time taking Tongue and saliva Discomfort to patient Make more units per day Get fast digital workflows Reduce labor-intense processes Integrates directly with their software with cone beam and digital x-rays Total integration with planmeca software Scanner is manufactured by E4D Laptop or PC compatible Blue laser Elastomers Agar-Agar (Reversible Hydrocolloid) Tooth Coating with Triangulation/Sampling 3M ESPE Active wavefront sampling Pulsating visible blue light Video Necessity of coating No in-office proprietary IOS Fast Scan Lava C.O.S Alginate (Irreversible Hydrocolloid) iTero System Compete with low-cost labs and chairside milling Increase profit per unit Expand your offerings and services Finishing Create high quality prosthetics Polyvinyl Siloxane (Addition Silicone) Polysulfide (Rubber Base, Thiokol) Triangulation/Sampling scanners require the teeth to be coated with titanium oxide to avoid light scattering These optical impression are superior in technology and know for its accuracy, saves the patients and dentists time with a few laboratory procedures and patients comfort. But it has limitations like high cast , and specialised equipment requirement. Lava COS Waxing Extra-oral Scanners Cadent company Parallel confocal microscopy Red laser ( Photographing) Multiple images Non coating No in office milling Proprietary or selective STL open . The Main Intraoral Digital Systems Silicone (Conventional, Condensation) Classification System Based on Properties of Set Materials Planmeca PlanScan classification of CAD/CAM systems Closed: All the steps are integrated in the unique system Movable - one single cable to the laptop Open .stl files Different tip sizes - all cases can be scanned, even trauma patients with difficulties to open the jaw Powder free scanning Live video capturing - ultra fast pattern triangulation Very fast surface recognition - easy to let patient rest and continue the scanning anywhere Computerized milling device iTero Water-Based Gel Communication with patients True Definition Scanner( 3M) CAM IOS Fastscan CEREC Omnicam – Scanning Simplicity E4D (D$D Technologies) iTero(cadent) 3D progress(MHT) Planmeca planscan Conclusion rapid prototyping computer-aided manufacturing. (CAD-CAM) STL files describe only the surface geometry of a three dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes. (Wikipedia) Increase productivity Problems faced with conventional impression making CAM Classification of Intraoral Scanners Data acquisition unit: digital impression Software for designing virtual restorations Open Blue LED Powder required No color image Imaging type: filming ( video) Image acquisition unit Increase profits and stay competitive Potential benefits for Dentists, Patients and Labs CAD Laser technology Eliminating Steps at the Office Intuitive orientation in the patient’s mouth Good differentiation between tooth structure and gingival Differentiation from amalgam, gold or composite CAD/CAM Systems Advantages of chair side oral scanner Impression data can be processed with the aid of the inLab software (via Sirona Connect) or third-party software (export inLab design data via the Open inLab interface When you scan with Itero or a dental cast scanner , you get an STL file STL means stereoiithographic file. STL are wideiy used for: Why go digital? Stone Model STL are wideiy used for: 3D Progress Type of file obtained Provide more indications and materials The challenge of PVS Impressions Thank you CAM Powder-free scanning 3D impressions in natural color Casting Traditional L.Nasiry Khanlar Scanner Up to 1000 3D pictures for true geometries Polyether CAD Rigid Impression Compound (optical impression) Video camera It captures a thousands of 3D data sets in few seconds It captures a motion picture This scanner quickly captures 3D and renders a 3D model instantaneously CAD Impression Plaster DDS,MS( Operative Dentistry) ASSISTANT PROFESSOR & RESEACHER D4D Technologies company Optical coherence tomography and confocal microscopy Laser Multiple images Occasionally

Digital Smile Design

Transcript: step.6 facial midline Important terms before starting smile design narrow space N.B. Facial aesthics must be kept in mind during smile design Step.4 There is mainly two methods either manual (waxed up smile design) or digital smile design (DSD) cases Normal smile of the patient incisal embrasure wide space facial height What is smile design? Digital Smile Design (DSD) case 3 intermediate space DSD Vs. waxing up It's done by taking impression and then building up the desired smile using wax Drawing teeth curve smile line case 2 1-Facial midline 2-Facial height 3-width of the smile 4-types of smile 5-gingival zenith 6-lip line 1-defected restoration. 2- Discoloration. 3- Fractures. 4- Attrition 5-Corection of slight malpostion. 6-Diastma closure. 7-Correction of malformation Thank you! golden proportion Step. 2 axial tooth inclination Retracted mouth the width of each anterior tooth is 60% of the width of the adjacent tooth (1.6:1:0.6) Appearance zone location of the midline, gingival curve, and smile curve 1-simplicity 2-time saving 3-ability to simulate the design immediately in the same visit It's an imaginary line which is along the incisal edge of max. anteriors and lower lip during smiling Balance high lip line (gummy smile) Objectives Zenith points are the most apical position of the cervical tooth margin where the gingiva is most scalloped. It is located slightly distal to the vertical line drawn down the center of the tooth should display a natural, progressive increase in size or depth from the central to the canine cont. case 2 It compares the vertical alignment of maxillary teeth, visible in the smile line, It is progressive increase in the mesial inclination of each subsequent anterior tooth Contraindication simply simulate your design moderate lip line DSD is much better than waxing up for the following reasons Manual or waxed up smile design Start drawing smile design It's the part of the mouth that appears while smiling case 1 cont. step 6 Methods of smile design case 4 lip line gingival zenith straight cont. case 1 low lip line It's the location of the midline buccal corridor or negative space starting to design the smile Step. 1 Step. 3 type of smile Indications negative space Before starting DSD 1-Definition of smile designing 2-Indication and contraindication 3-Important terms before starting smile design 4-Facial aesthetics 5-Methods of smile design 6-Before starting DSD 7-DSD method 7-DSD Vs. waxing up 8-Cases It refers to dark space visible during smile formation between the corners of the mouth and the buccal surfaces of the maxillary teeth. It should be a minimum. Apply same curves on retracted mouth photo start making measurements of teeth lengths step.5 inverted 1-convex smile 2-straight smile 3-inverted smile Smile design is correction of the patient's smile or changing it to aesthetic smile and it's considered as a cosmetic treatment to the desired convex smile (hollywood smile) Facial Aesthetics 1-Bruxism. 2-Oral habits causing excessive stress on the veneer 3-Poor Oral hygiene 4-wide diastema (more than 2mm) 5-when the horizontal and vertical ratio will be more than 89% because it won't be aesthetic and it will appear as artificial lip line is the amount of gingival display during smiling smile width Dentist need to capture frontal photo of the face, normal smile of the patient, retracted mouth, and 12 o'clock picture convex types of smile Smile line

Smile Design

Transcript: What is DSD? What is digital smile design? -It's a concept which simulates the final outcome of dental treatment by means of computer technology. -Smile design means analysis, design of proper treatment plan, proper communication with patient, lab then we start treating. To do a proper smile design we need to collect all the data needed like: chief complain, medical history, ect. Smile design is divided to Static Dynamic Static Data Static Designing : Static data are: -complain “present” -medical history -radiograph -photograph -impressions -Casts Dynamic Data The dynamic data consists of capturing the patient's true expressions and smile to create a smile that fits the patient's personality and character. First step of DSD First: There are some vertical and horrizontal lines that we need to put, and use it as a guidline. vertical lines: -Facial midline -Canine line -dental midline Horizontal lines: -Interpupillary line -Incisal plane -smile curve -commisural line -gingival curve measurements Teeth proportions: Usually men are 80% women usually are 75% -The golden proportion is a mathematically constant ratio between the larger and smaller length. The ratio is approximately 1.618:1 • -esthetic dental proportion (RED) as the proportion of the successive width of the teeth being constant when progressing distally from the midline 4. templates Ideal range 80% Range 75-85% Limit 70-90% Too short and/or wide Too long and/or narrower Teeth Form The Visagism concept helped clinicians and dentists to choose the proper teeth form based on the patient's personality . Classification of appearance and esthetics Macroesthetics: When individual teeth are considered as a single unit and contribute to esthetics as a group then it is regarded as macroesthetics. Macroesthetics attempt to evaluate the relationships of anterior teeth to each other as well as with their surrounding soft tissues. Macroesthetic Elements Connectors Symmetry Midline Incisal embrasures Tooth shape and harmony Axial Inclination of Teeth Teeth shown in a smile Shade Progression Teeth reveal M-position Upper lip position Upper lip curvature Lower lip position Vestibular space 1- Midline The goal of treatment is to achieve coincident upper and lower dental midlines which are in coincidence with facial midline for better esthetics as well as functional purpose.7-11 The midline between centrals should not be angulated to the facial midline. 2-Incisal embrasures It holds important role in smile esthetics. The dimensions of these spaces which includes volume and size is least in the midline and tends to increase on going away from the midline. 3- Connectors It is a large, broad area where two adjacent teeth seem to touch. For better esthetics, connecting area between anterior should follow the rule of 50-40-30. 4- Symmetry There are two types of symmetry: horizontal and radiating. Dentition follows radiating symmetry where the design starts from the centre point and both the sides are mirror images. 5- Axial Inclination of Teeth The long axis of the tooth inclines towards the midline and this tipping towards the midline increases as the distance from the centre point increases. 6- Shade Progression The shade and color patterns of upper teeth follow a progressive pattern with maxillary centrals being the lightest and canines having the greater saturation than other anteriors. 7- Tooth shape and harmony The tooth form of maxillary central incisor should be identical to the individuals facial outline upside down. 8- Teeth shown in a smile The teeth display during smile consists of anterior six teeth along with first and second premolars. 9- Teeth reveal It refers to the amount of tooth material that’s shown in different views and lip position. 10- M-position By asking the patient to utter letter “M” the minimum teeth reveal is assessed. The maxillary incisor display decreases as the patient ages. 11- Upper lip position: An average smile involves 75 % to 100 % of maxillary teeth display. A high smile shows total length of upper anterior as opposed to low smile display which involves less than 75% of teeth display. 12- Upper lip curvature Upward lip curvature means that the corner of the mouth is higher than the midpoint of the lower margin of the upper lip. 13- Lower lip position The relationship between upper anterior teeth and lower lip is of three types. 14- Smile line or smile arc Smile lines are of three types, straight, parallel and reverse. 15- Vestibular space In patients with narrow dental arch from have dark spaces between teeth and corner of mouth, referred as deficient vestibular reveal and have negative effect on esthetics. Microesthetics: Microesthetics involves the individual tooth characteristics like tooth anatomy, location, translucency patterns, lobe development and incisal haloing. Microesthetics - The micro-esthetic features are specific for each tooth. - The dentist and the laboratory technician should replicate these micro-esthetics in 3-

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